5 Ways to Improve Your Day, 7 Days a Week

by Cailin

on May 15, 2023

Want to add a little somethin’ somethin’ to your 24/7? Masturbation may (see what we did there) be the secret sauce.


It’s Mental Health Awareness Week and this year we’re taking it back to the little things. We know mental health is a complicated beast and there’s no quick fix when yours not in the best place but we do believe in the small habits which can help to improve your day even just a little bit.

One of those habits is self-pleasure and since it’s also Masturbation May – a happy coincidence, we know – we want to talk about how you can incorporate it into your day-to-day. Why? Because ending your day knowing you’ve done at least one thing for yourself is a win to us.

Go on, make our day.

Wake and wank

It may come as no surprise to those of us who are quick to take care of their morning wood or morning dew first thing that starting your day with a natural high is an excellent way to go. Not only does it stop you from reaching for your phone first thing – which also sets the tone for your day in terms concentration and stress BTW – but it helps you practise a moment of mindfulness while your body and brain are still waking up.

You might have heard of the benefits of making your bed every morning as a way to make your to-do list more manageable. While we’re not saying you should turn masturbation into a chore which you have to do, slip it on to your “to-do” list as a task which prioritises your pleasure and see what happens.

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The fap and nap

Our bodies and our brains go through a lot when we masturbate and orgasm from the release of hormones to the physiological reactions of heavy breathing and a strong heartbeat so it’s no wonder that by the time we’re done, we can feel sleepy. In a 2021 survey conducted by Lovehoney, 17.9% of people said they masturbated to help them sleep.

If you are someone who loves to schedule in a power nap to give your day a boost, you might find adding in some self-loving might double your satisfaction by prepping your body for rest and potentially helping you wake up with a better mood.

Wind down in solo town

In a similar vein to the wake-up wank, the before-sleep solo bang can be good for your rest and your stress at the end of a long day. During masturbation, the feel-good hormones dopamine and oxytocin are released into the body, which in turn can reduce cortisol levels and alleviate stress. Tell us that’s not infinitely better than doom scrolling on Twitter or being sucked into the black hole that is TikTok for four hours?

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Pre-party for one

Ask yourself why you like pre-drinking – is it to get you into a good mood? Is it to help you relax? Well, here is a sans booze solution if you’re trying to cut back. Next time you reach for your pre-party glass of wine, consider rubbing one out instead.

Whether you do it before you start getting ready or once you’re dressed to impress, the destressing and mood boosting effect masturbation can have might be just the thing to get you prepped to party.

You do you (with something new)

Love to reward yourself with a little treat for getting even the smallest of tasks done? SAME.

You don’t need a special occasion or a partner to treat yourself to a new toy or try something new. Exploring all the things which make you feel oh, so good can be intimidating at first but remember, you deserve to feel pleasure and it’s okay to make time for self-loving.

Here are a few of our favourite products we think will make your day brighter:


Written by Cailin. Lovehoney Editorial Team
Cailin is Lovehoney Australia's in-house content queen and loves to talk sex positivity, positions and possibly panties from time to time. And no, she still can't believe she gets to write about sex and dildos for a living.

Originally published on May 15, 2023. Updated on Mar 7, 2025